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Healthcare Provider Educational Curriculum 

This online training course includes a 4-part series of e-learning modules with case based scenarios and instructive training videos on genetic testing & counselling 

Programme Overview



Focused on genetic testing, counseling, and subsequent clinical management of BRCA1/2 genetic mutations.

The 4-module course was developed by a multidisciplinary team comprised of genetic counsellors, surgical oncologists, an obstetrician, and education experts from West Africa and North America. These modules will be done in an e-Learning format accompanied by interactive videos' and reference guides.

The course is currently hosted on Princess Margaret Cancer Campus, a Moodle-based platform, promoting interactive, self-paced learning to different cadres of Nigerian HCP trainees.

Online Conference

In-person training 

Once the online course is completed, delegates will be invited to attend in-person/live trainings.


The first iteration of the in-person training is scheduled was held at the African Research Group for Oncology symposium in Ile-Ife Nigeria on 28th September 2023. 

During these live trainings HCP trainees have the opportunity to engage in open discussions with content experts. The activities within these sessions involve clinical case discussions and role-play scenarios, providing a platform to evaluate "soft skills" such as genetic counseling.


Virtual training 

To ensure the sustainability of the  educational curriculum, virtual trainings will commence on an ad hoc basis led by medical experts including lead breast surgeons, surgical oncologists, and genetic counsellors. 

This program, part of the Health Equity Grand Challenge, is supported by the generosity of donors Lindy Green and Sam Chaiton.

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